Thursday, June 14, 2012

8th Birthday, Part Two

The Monkey turned 8 yesterday. 8th Birthday AND last day of school!! What could be better?! After waking up to a room dotted with birthday balloons, he found a box of new Legos and a Lego birthday card, handmade by awesome Daddy. The last day of school was a brief blur, but what followed was a ton of fun. He played with his new Legos for a bit before we headed to lunch at Shakey's Pizza then Mecca Toys 'R' Us. Determined to expand his Lego empire, he picked up 8 more mini figurines and a building pad with the gift card that's been burning a hole in his wallet. He was thrilled!! :) We rounded off the day with a movie (my sis, Bean, joined us), dinner, and an Oreo birthday cake with the rest of the family. A wonderful, blessed day. :)

Legos are happiness.


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